Ice Cream Sandwich Recipe And Easy Dessert Variations (2024)

This tasty homemade ice cream sandwich recipe makes tasty ice cream sandwiches your family is sure to love.

You will also find some easy ice cream sandwich dessert recipes and variations your family will love, which do not require you to make the sandwiches homemade if you’re looking for shortcuts to tasty recipes! You can make these ice cream sandwich desserts using the homemade ice cream sandwiches or store bought ice cream sandwiches.

Ice Cream Sandwich Recipe And Easy Dessert Variations (1)

This ice cream sandwich recipe makes tasty ice cream sandwiches with a fresh homemade taste. It is a longer process to make these than most of our recipes, so it may not be worth making them yourself if your goal is quick and easy.

This recipe is best to make if you feel like making something homemade or if you are looking for an easy recipes to use to teach your kids how to get started making their own homemade desserts. The process includes making a simple dough, baking it, preparing the ice cream and then storing it in the freezer or putting it all together to make your ice cream sandwiches and enjoy.

The recipes does call for cutting the ice cream into the proper sizes to fit the ice cream sandwiches, wrapping and freezing for 24 hours, so be sure to plan ahead!

If you want to make this ice cream sandwich recipe more than a week ahead of time, just freeze the cookies separately from the ice cream in plastic freezer bags. They will keep three to six months in the freezer when frozen separately.

Then when you want to make an ice cream sandwich, or when the kids need a cool snack, just make up as many as you need to satisfy that sweet tooth.

If you make the cookies ahead of time and keep them in the freezer, you won’t even have to turn on the oven when you want to make a few ice cream sandwiches!

Make sure you chill the dough for a full hour because, if you don’t, it will stick badly to the plastic wrap and you will have a mess on your hands!


Homemade Ice Cream Sandwich Recipe

Ice Cream Sandwich Recipe And Easy Dessert Variations (2)

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This easy homemade ice cream sandwich recipe makes ice cream sandwiches that are so fresh and tasty everyone will ask for more! They are easy to make and the entire family will love them!

  • Author: Jill Cooper
  • Yield: 6 large or 12 small ice cream sandwiches



1 brick ice cream
1/2 cup butter or margarine
1 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 cup cocoa powder
2 cups flour
1 tsp. baking powder


  1. Cut the ice cream into 2×5 inch rectangles about 3/4 inch thick.
  2. Place each ice cream rectangle between aluminum foil or plastic wrap and freeze at least 24 hours.
  3. For the cookies, start by beating the butter and brown sugar until fluffy.
  4. Beat in eggs one at a time.
  5. Add vanilla.
  6. Add baking powder, salt, cocoa and flour.
  7. Mix well.
  8. Place the dough on plastic wrap and wrap tightly.
  9. Chill the dough 1 hour.
  10. Preheat oven to 350°.
  11. Roll the ice cream sandwich dough into a rectangle 1/4 inch thick on a lightly floured board.
  12. Cut into rectangles 2×5 inches each.
  13. Place on an ungreased baking sheet to make the cookies.
  14. Prick the surfaces of the cookies lightly with a fork.
  15. Bake 8-10 minutes or until the edges look set. (The centers of the cookies will be slightly puffed).
  16. Cool.
  17. Remove from the baking sheet.
  18. Make ice cream sandwiches by placing one ice cream piece inside of 2 cooled cookie pieces.
  19. Store up to one week. If you want to freeze the ice cream sandwiches longer than 1 week, freeze the cookies separately from the ice cream pieces.


This recipe makes large 6 ice cream sandwiches, but you could also cut them in half to make 12 smaller ice cream sandwiches.

This homemade ice cream sandwich recipe is from our cookbook:

You can make EASY and delicious meals at home in less time than eating out! You’ll save a ton of money on food and your family will thank you!

Click here to get our Dining On A Dime Cookbooks 25% Off NOW! They’re filled with tasty recipes and tips to make your life easier!

This ice cream sandwich dessert recipe is an easy dessert recipe to make on a hot day! You can make this with the homemade ice cream sandwiches, but if you’re in a hurry and just need a quick snack for the kids, starting with store bought samdwiches is a lot faster. Either way, this recipe is delicous and you can make lots of tasty variations to suit your family!

Ice Cream Sandwich Recipe And Easy Dessert Variations (4)


Ice Cream Sandwich Dessert Recipe

Ice Cream Sandwich Recipe And Easy Dessert Variations (5)

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This ice cream sandwich dessert recipe makes an “almost perfect” dessert. It is super easy, you can keep all the ingredients on hand and you can keep one in the freezer ready to go at all times.

This dessert recipe is perfect for adults or kids and is great for parties or get togethers. It also has the added bonus of being cool and refreshing on a hot summer day.

  • Author: Jill Cooper


12 ice cream sandwiches
caramel sauce
1 (8 oz.) container of whipped topping
chocolate sauce
mini chocolate chips, sprinkles, crushed candy (optional)


  1. Lay ice cream sandwiches in a 9×13 inch pan.
  2. Drizzle with caramel sauce.
  3. Spread with whipped topping.
  4. Drizzle with chocolate sauce.
  5. Sprinkle with chocolate chips, sprinkles or candy.
  6. Freeze until ready to use.

Take this ice cream sandwich dessert recipe a step further: When serving, try adding sliced strawberries, bananas and/or pineapple chunks and calling it an ice cream sandwich banana split.

Instant Version of this Dessert

  1. Lay an ice cream sandwich on a plate.
  2. Sprinkle with berries, bananas and/or pineapple. Alternatively, drizzle with caramel or chocolate sauce and add a dollop of whipped topping. Sprinkle with chocolate chips or sprinkles.


Since this ice cream sandwich dessert is a dessert, half of an ice cream sandwich would be more than enough to make the dessert a full serving, especially for kids.

Ice Cream Sandwich Recipe And Easy Dessert Variations (6)


Easy Lemonade Ice Cream Sandwich Recipe

Ice Cream Sandwich Recipe And Easy Dessert Variations (7)

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This lemonade ice cream sandwich recipe makes a quick an easy variation on ice cream sandwiches with a lemonade flavored twist. They are really handy to make ahead of time and keep in the freezer, not only for dessert but for a snack any time on a hot summer day.

  • Author: Jill Cooper



1 1/2 cups vanilla ice cream, softened
1 3/4 tsp. lemonade soft drink mix
2 Tbsp. water
1/2 cup whipped topping
16 graham cracker squares


  1. Place ice cream in a bowl.
  2. Dissolve lemonade mix in water.
  3. Stir into ice cream.
  4. Fold in whipped topping.
  5. Freeze about 20 minutes.
  6. Spread about 3 Tbsp. of the mixture on 8 of the graham cracker squares.
  7. Top with the other 8 graham cracker squares.
  8. Wrap in plastic wrap and freeze for at least 1 hour.
Ice Cream Sandwich Recipe And Easy Dessert Variations (2024)


What is a sandwich of ice cream between two cookies called? ›

The Chipwich is a brand of ice cream sandwich made of ice cream between two chocolate chip cookies and then rolled in chocolate chips. The Chipwich name and logo is trademarked by Crave Better Foods, LLC based in Cos Cob, Connecticut.

What is ice cream dessert? ›

Ice cream is a frozen dessert typically made from milk or cream that has been flavoured with a sweetener, either sugar or an alternative, and a spice, such as cocoa or vanilla, or with fruit, such as strawberries or peaches.

What were ice cream sandwiches called? ›

The earliest mention of ice cream sandwiches in North America come in the year of 1899. Street vendors in New York recently sold slabs of ice cream between sheets of paper, called "hokey pokeys", until someone had the idea of using cookies instead.

What are words for ice cream sandwiches? ›

From country to country, this dessert picks up many different nicknames: giant sandwich, chipwich, cream between, vanilla slice, slider, and more! Whatever you call it, one thing's for sure: the ice cream sandwich is one of the best inventions of all time.

What is brownie and ice cream called? ›

Sizzling brownie is a dessert available in India, made popular by cafes and restaurants of Mumbai, Kerala and Bihar. It is a chocolate brownie with a scoop of ice cream on top served with a generous pouring of melted chocolate on the ice-cream.

What is ice cream with Oreos in it called? ›

Cookies and cream ice cream. Alternative names. Cookies 'n cream, cookies 'n creme. Type.

Why is Blue Bunny not ice cream? ›

except one. Ferrero-owned Blue Bunny used to be real Ice Cream but the ingredients have changed so much over the years that it can no longer be legally designated as Ice Cream >> with the exception of Vanilla Bean Ice Cream, Blue Bunny is now Frozen Dairy Dessert.

What is a cake with ice cream called? ›

An ice cake is a cake filled with ice cream with layers of sponge cake or cookie crumble in between. A popular form is a three-layer cake, with a layer of ice cream between two layers of cake. In a typical assembly, the cake component is baked in the normal way, cut to shape if necessary, and then frozen.

What is the chocolate on an ice cream sandwich? ›

3) The chocolate wafers making up the sandwiches start off hard. The chocolate wafers that make up the outside of the ice cream sandwich start off as crunchy hard, cracker-like biscuits. But over time, after the ice cream is added, they begin to soften, making them the easy-to-bite consistency that they are known for.

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Thirty workers at the store in Plattsmouth took five hours to create a 2,960-pound sandwich that measured 35 feet long, Hy-Vee said in a news release Friday. It was later divided into smaller pieces and donated to the Food Bank of Lincoln and the Food Bank for the Heartland, according to the Lincoln Journal-Star.

What is the ice cream called in McDonald's? ›

The McFlurry consists of whipped, soft serve McDonald's vanilla-flavored ice cream in a cup. The McFlurry has a specially designed spoon with a hole in the handle which is attached to a blender. Various types of candy or cookies are added to the cup, which are then blended into the ice cream using the spoon.

What is ice cream slang for? ›

Cream is a slang term for Methamphetamine, which is a highly addictive chemical popular for its excitatory effects. Sometimes called Blue Bell Ice Cream, Cream is a white crystalline substance available in the form of crystal shards to be smoked, liquid to be injected into veins, and powder to be snorted.

What is the slang ice cream? ›

In the context of drug slang, “ice cream” is often used as a term for methamphetamine, a highly addictive and dangerous drug. Methamphetamine use can lead to severe health problems, including heart disease, mental health disorders, and even death.

What is English slang for sandwiches? ›

There are two basic colloquial words. “Sandwich” is fine, as per Ian T's answer, but if you're in the South of England a frequent version is “sarnie” (Bacon Sarnies, Fried Egg Sarnies, for example). If you're in't North, it's often Butty or Buttie (Chip Butty, Ketchup Butty, for instance).

What are cookie sandwiches called? ›

September 2023) A sandwich cookie, also known as a sandwich biscuit, is a type of cookie made from two thin cookies or medium cookies with a filling between them. Many types of fillings are used, such as cream, ganache, buttercream, chocolate, cream cheese, jam, peanut butter, lemon curd, or ice cream.

What are the little cookie sandwiches called? ›

What Is a Macaron? Macarons are small, perfectly round sandwich cookies available in a wide range of flavors and colors. They're commonly featured in food photography or creative displays because of their attractive colors, which range from pretty pastel pinks to vibrant blues.

What is a chocolate chip cookie ice cream sandwich called? ›

Chipwich invented the ice cream cookie sandwich craze in the '80s and continues to set the standard today. Rich and creamy premium ice cream, fresh-baked cookies, and real chocolate chips – all in the same bite. It's cold, creamy, chocolatey, AND crunchy! Chipwich – the original ice cream cookie sandwich.

What is cookies sandwich? ›

cookies kept by two thin cookies or biscuits with filling in between. A sandwich cookie is a type of cookie that's made from two thin cookies with a filling in between them. Many types of fillings can be used, like cream, ganache, buttercream, chocolate, cream cheese, jam, peanut butter, lemon curd, or ice cream.

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